Pop-iT progress

Things are going really great! My choir is filled with 30 lovely talented women, who are so motivated, it brings me peace of mind.

We already sold 330 tickets, the music is all put together and the dance crew is rehearsing their pretty buts off.

Check out this artikel written by Antoon



Easter Monday 2020 is going to be a day to remember for me!

Come and join not only me, but 50+ dancers, 30+ choir ladies, 4 handsome band members and a charming string quartet.


Next choir project

While busy with buying a house, moving, performing and planning a big holiday, I also can’t wait to begin planning our next Pop-up Koor performance. And it’s gonna be a big one 😉

Check out this song from our last Elixir d’amour performance

Elixir d’Amour (sold out)

Love is something from all ages, cultures, backgrounds and brings us all together.

Music has that same quality and that is why we organised a duo concert on Valentines day.
Two choirs joined together with only music as a common ground.
One church choir, with an older crew, classical background and a male section (zonnekoor), and us, a pop choir, with young women with performance qualities.

Together we will bring choir arrangements of different love songs, accompanied by a variety of instruments in the church. Afterwards there will be a buffet of deserts made by the choir members.

Come sing and eat with us!

Elixir d’Amour FB event

…into the sunset

I am still flabbergasted by the reactions we got for ‘Drive’.

I couldn’t have asked for a better crew to help me graduate my Masters at the conservatory of Maastricht. Amazing people who helped me in every way possible, I cannot thank you enough!!

I hope to see and play for/with you again soon.

The future looks bright ahead and I can’t wait for IT to drive me there.

Photo’s by Michelle Geerardyn & Frank Hirschhausen

(almost) Sold out!!

Damn Daaamn Daaaaamn!!

My three shows on the 13th, 14th and 15th of june are almost sold out! 

Thursday and Friday are completely booked and Wednesday there are only 5 more tickets left. I am so grateful for all the people who support me and are willing to get out of there sofa’s on a weeknight just to watch me sweat and talk about my problems. THANK YOU!!

Hopefully you will have as much fun seeing it, as we will have playing it! 


Op 13, 14 en 15 juni speelt mijn afstudeerproject Drive  in het Heistse Kamer toneel, Heist-op-den-Berg.  Dit in de Kattestraat 1 om 20u.
Tickets: aalexvertommen@gmail.com  € 10
In  haar persoonlijke, muziek theatrale afstudeerproject “Drive” zoekt
Aalex Vertommen antwoord op de vraag wat haar drijft om iets te maken.

“Als je iets echt wilt, dan doe je dat gewoon. Toch? Maar ik- ik heb – of denk da – da mensen van alles- ehvinden van… ja… en dus heb ik ook het gevoel dat als ‘k da nie doe, da’k dan…”

Voortgedreven door haar muzikale crew, probeert zij hardnekkig ‘het’ gedroomde einddoel te halen.

“Ehm,  in-ter-ne  motivatie: wel dat is, dat is wa da’k ik denk da ik-“

‘Drive’ werd geschreven op basis van interviews met Aalex en crew,  en is dus een persoonlijk documentaire muziek theatervoorstelling.

Regie: Tamara Jongerden
Zang en spel: Aalex Vertommen, Zoë Mushidi en Lisa Andreina
Muziek: Ralph Hermans en Jonas Boutsen

Nieuw op’t plein – Keerbergen


This Sunday 14th of Januari, we will break in the new year together with some great live music!

The city of Keerbergen invited me and my band Lexington Steel to celebrate with them starting from 1 PM. The weather predictions are in our favour, so put on your fancy wintercoat and come enjoy the sun with us.

We will make you dance and sing to keep warm, there will be amazing food and drinks, I couldn’t imagine a better way to spend your Sunday afternoon 😉

Avond voor de vrede ’17

This Friday, September 15th, I will perform at the annual ‘Avond voor de vrede’.

For the 8th time Bernadette de Cat and her volunteers are organising an evening where we think of people less fortunate and their struggles. An evening where we celebrate peace and love.
Everyone who wants to participate is welcome to perform and so the stage will be filled with ‘Heistenaren’ from all ages and backgrounds.
Expressing our dreams through spoken word, music and dance, this evening will leave you quivering.
I will sing 2 songs from the 50’s and 60’s, accompanied by Christine Carré, that made me think of dreaming and imagining.




New Band in Town

I’m so excited!!

I finally started a new coverband. This has been a goal of mine for some time, and now that we found the perfect people, picked repertoire and rehearsed them, we are ready to step into the world.

A brand new funk band, with songs from the 70’s till the 10’s. You will not be able to keep still, while listening to these ear catchers. We have a full band, with 3 horns and myself as front singer.

Saturday the 12th of August we will play at Heist Bruist in Heist-op-den-Berg. Check out our Facebook!! https://www.facebook.com/Lexington-Steel-1078104838956066/

See you 😉